Life of an International Nomad Consultant
Sign Up for the Nomad Membership Plan(Bronze or Silver or Gold). There are some special offers from time to time. Please check with the membership Counselor.
Submit your Information online to the menschForce Global Travel Plan Website. Remember, there may be a waiting Period Upto SIX months before you start Travelling to Global Locations. Until then you will enjoy all benefits of National Nomad. But, our membership team will work closely with you for the Global Travel Plan from the beginning. It takes a lot of planning and preparation, including the right immigration, non-immigration, business travel, residency program, etc, Sp, you must understand very clearly that there may not be an immediate cookie-cutter travel plan unless you have already arranged some plans and need us to support you with other things.
Submit your Information online to the menschForce Visa Pre-Application Processing System for your country of choice. Please understand, your choice does not mean you are guaranteed to travel and work in these countries, as the immigration programs are highly complex and codified with many Civil and Criminal Laws under multiple departments like Labor Department, Immigration Department, Borders/External affairs, Internal Security, etc., So, it’s not like a free global entry system. Many of these programs require Bofafide Job Offers, Employment, Pre-Negotiated Work Contract, your Specialization and qualification for the Job, etc. Some Programs force you to maintain “Employee” Status, Vs. Independent Consultant. For those situations, we will Have you become an Employee of the Local menschFore Entity of that region or work with an “Incubated Vendor” company which is a Legal Entity that will employ you on their Payroll but you will continue to enjoy all the membership benefits. So, you must set your expectation very clearly and have at least three Options for Travel. Remember, you can always get migrated to your country of the first choice later while working in the second choice. The nomad membership is designed to migrate you from one country to another country every year or for every project or for the duration that you choose.
MenschForce legal team will submit your candidature to some of the Visa / Work Permit or Immigration/Residency Programs.
Currently, we support
1. USA: H1B Program(Hitech workers), H2B(seasonal Low Tech Workers), Investor Program EB1(Require extensive investment of over $1.25M ), Start-Up Program(Should show an investment of at least $350K), Visa Waiver Categories such as Extraordinary talents(Burden is on you to prove), B1 In Lieu of work. B1 Visa as long as the work is only business-related, B2 – You should not take up any work from the US clients, you may work for other clients remotely while traveling in the USA on B1/B2. etc.
- Canada – LMIA based Temporary Work Permit, British Columbia Nomination Program, Entrepreneur – Express Entry(Substantial Investment is required), Self-Employed program, etc.
- Europe – Freelancers Visa(Vary from country-country), Blue Card, Temporary Residency Permit, Permanent Residency(Substantial Investment is needed and varies from country to country), etc., We can support you in obtaining Schengen Visa in inviting you to the Schengen region to either work temporarily. But it requires a substantial commitment and Bonafide Client engagement/Job.
- Asia – We support Singapore(temporary work permit), India, Thailand(Work visa, Temporary residency, permanent residency, etc–Investment is needed, Malaysia, Indonesia(Many categories), Hong Kong. All other regions where they allow self-employed to work and earn as digital Nomads white travel in visitor visas.
- Africa – We can support you migrate and working in Africa in certain countries like South Africa with a local legal entity, otherwise just as a digital nomad (temporary resident/self-employed) visas.
- South America – We can support you with migrating and working in Brazil, Argentina, Chile.
- Caribbean – We love to support you in Caribbean countries. Caribbean countries promote Investment based Residency and Citizenship(substantial cash/real-estate investment needed). Self-Employed / Freelancer temporary Visa programs are very popular in this region.
MenschForce Team will provide you with the pieces of evidence of the Process initiated for your migration (like program registration receipt). Travel Plan information etc. Some countries issue certain visas based on a limited quota per time frame. For eg. US H1B- annual 65K visas and the entry is based on a lottery system that starts from March every year. Canada Nomination programs and Express entry are usually quarterly or semi-annual. et.c,
We will share the results of those Visa/work permit/residency programs and discuss the next steps or next choices. Our team will advise you and guide you with subsequent plans.
While your travel plans getting ready, you shall engage in Projects Bidding through our MarketPlace. There are many mini, micro, regular and large projects in various categories. You can focus and plan the Project/Job opportunities with your country of travel with priority. Remember, some programs require you to get a Client Letter as a confirmation of the project(like the USA H1B program). So, it’s very important that you actively prepare and involve in Pre-sales, interviews, Project bidding, Project Collaterals Preparation, etc. If you want to go on a start-up visa, then you should join Incubation/Acceleration programs like / to work on getting the investment/product design, etc. In addition to the marketplace for bidding the project and executing, you can also generate revenue through Challenges, Idea selling, etc.
One of the Key Speciality about Menschforce is its ability to run itself as a Self-Sustaining Marketplace under Ai-Blockchain called “Karma Capsule Network”. This provides its ability to create digital Assets(as Defined by SEC). Unlike the majority of Crypto Assets, menschForce digital Asset(menschForce karma Capsule-MFKC)
has a true intrinsic value which is equal to the ability of the individual Participants to deliver the Project and the Value of the Projects Delivered and its worth to the clients. So, menschForce digital Assets are no Crypto Currencies. They are the purest form of Digital Assets with Tradable Value. That means you can buy, hold, sell these digital assets under the framework of the Securities Exchanges and Commodities commissions. We work with Sonicorn equity Directory system to list our digital assets to Broker-Dealers, ATS-Alternate Trading Systems. Through such systems, high net worth individuals, Institutional investors, Private equities, and Angels shall buy these digital assets. There are two ways you earn digital Assets- Either as a Reward/giveaway from menschforce or by work and delivering a Project(this is like mining in the context of Crypto World). The initial giveaway happens in many ways like the random lottery, Event, Membership sign-up Bonus, Contest, etc.
The menschForce Legal team will submit your full final application to Immigration Department, Travel Department, Consulates, etc
The finance/Accounting/Tax Advisory committee will start preparing the advisory, guidelines for the Tax, Banking, and Payment Services and Configurations. Member consultant will be provided by Tax, Accounting, and Business Management Tools.
Business Advisory Team, in Association with Sonicorn, will provide mentoring, Advisory for Developing entrepreneurship, business, marketing skills. Virtual Office, Physical Office, CRM System logins, Web Site, Emails, Marketing Tools are provided.
You will be enrolled in various FREE training programs organized by menschForce to prepare for Type B engagements. This shall include regular Technology training in alliance with digiBlitz Innovation Labs and Entrepreneurship /Business Development and Pre-sales training in association with Sonicorn.
Within three months, you will start bidding and get involved in Type B engagements as a Nomad Consultant member by working closely with the menschForce Partner(account Manager). You will also start getting opportunities through MFChallenge(clients providing challenges and you solve gear Gig), MFGenius(you provide ideas for huge Price money), MFKlugWerks – You provide Managed Services to clients through SAAS model-menschForce shall arrange for entire Payment Processing and E-Commerce System for Free.
The menschForce in alliance with the digiBlitz Innovation Labs Team will be in touch base with you to harvest ideas and get involved in the Type -C- StartUp and Innovation program or Ideas Sales. The legal team shall help in developing Security and Intellectual Property Protection.
Meanwhile, After a few months(usually between 4-6 months), the Legal department and HR-Committee will start following up with some of the results from various immigration departments (for example in the USA, USCIS will send the H1B approval Notice to menschForce(or denial Notice).-Canadian Immigration, European freelancer visa/temporary residency Etc.
Force will send the complete documents together with the approval notice to you through Courier(or the copy of the letter of denial). menschForce teams will also start working with you on alternate plans like traveling to another country that offer a better LifeStyle and welcoming hands. Basically, we match and take you where you are treated well and best fit in.
You will attend an interview with the local consulates with the approval notice and other documents, and get the corresponding VISA stamped. Deal with your Partner, membership committee, and HR Committee to get the reconfirmation of your work engagement for smooth revenue flow before you start traveling/migrating. It’s very important to understand that, it’s not about where you go as much as what are you going to do there–as a member you always oblige to the framework of menschforce and keep every committee upraised of your action plan and activities. We have ZERO tolerance for unauthorized or unlawful activities. You also work with the Finance/Accounting committee to make sure that your earnings come through Proper legal channels subject to the right taxes. Additionally, you will work with the Travel Management/LifeStyle Committee to schedule good Vacation Spots, Rustic/Stylish Remote Working locations, Trekking Trips while working, Getaway trips while working, Complete Getaware Trips with Total Break from work, etc. It’s not easy to Balance the Work and Fun LifeStyles. menschForce is there to help you.
You will enter the first country of choice with a valid visa after and stay in the company arranged accommodation and will report to the menschForce Corporate office(if any) to complete the onboarding process. Otherwise, you will be provided with guidance and arrangements with the Stay by our travel Management Team. All the procedures for Social Insurance/Security, Tax, immigration Card, Residency Card, Tax Card, Health Card, etc, needs to be completed.
This cycle of working continues while you enjoy a lifestyle in every city/Country you migrate to. You shall continue to enjoy as long as you keep the membership live. The revenue shall continue to flow from Type-A engagement, full time as an employee of menschForce if the client needs but otherwise you will continue to engage in Type B and Type C as an independent consultant throughout your lifetime.
From Jan 2022, menschForce members are invited to participate in the digital Assets Trading platform(Type – D). MenschForce members shall trade not only their existing digital Asset shares(allocated when they signed up for the membership) but also buy and sell more assets within the closed Private digital Asset trading system. Additionally, the members will be trained to create their own derivative digital Assets(karma Capsules) and trade them as well. Remember that the basic unit of work under karma Capsule emerges from the Project Developed, Product Developed, Intellectual Property Created, Ideas, Design and Other Architecture, Copyrights, etc. So, menschForce digital Asset is not a fiat digital /Crypto Asset. It has an Intrinsic value embedded in it and qualifies as a community or and/or equity as per SEC/Commodities commission.
You continue to grow to be Part of menschForce Society and help the Society to grow to enforce our Philosophy of Liberty, dignity, Right to Work, Right to Earn, Right to Prosper, Right to Trade, etc. menschForce is a Movement that keeps humanity getting Liberated in the hands of those who would like to Dominate others through Suppressing the basic Human rights. menschForce Society shall not be seen as a Work Place. Rather, it is the Platform for you to Plan, Design, and Implement your Work-Life Style and wealth-earning Plans. I a nutshell, the last thing you might need is to retire wealthy and continue to lead a balanced Lifestyle beyond retirement.